

It occured to me that I have not done any kind of introduction post yet.
I know it is not really important to do one but I feel like it might be interesting to post some things about me that are not trans related. Also, I am now part of the blog roll at Transguys.com so any new readers I might get from there, welcome to my corner of the web. I just want to quickly thank Joshua at transguys.com for adding me.
So some stuff about me:
I'm a 29 year old, quickly approaching 30 and pretty excited about it actually. I feel like 30 is going to be my year of adventure and learning more and more about myself.

I dig films and music big time. These are my go to conversational subjects. I am mostly interested in horror films and mind bending type stuff. As far as music, I like everything from quality black metal to dubstep.

I live with my partner and her 6 year old daughter. I am new to parenting and she is a precocious little beast but our relationship is improving. She is whip smart and grasps things pretty quickly. Apparently she called me her step dad the other day and even though I wouldn't admit it, it warmed my heart a bit.

I am Canadian but I am currently living in the US. It has been an interesting experience so far. It is so much the same as Canada in many ways yet vastly different in others. I have made great friends here so far and seen some really beautiful places but I do miss "home".

I am spiritual and am drawn heavily to Buddhism. I have a giant Buddha tattoo that takes up half my arm but I don't meditate daily or anything. The Buddha is more of a reminding symbol for me to take each day as it comes, live in the moment and never forget that suffering and impermanence are facts of life.

So there are a few quick facts about me.

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